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A Man of God

14:30, 29.06.2017
A Man of God Człowiek Boga

Człowiek Boga

Fot.Krzysztof Tadej
Fot.Krzysztof Tadej

Podziel się:   Więcej
A documentary film about the life and activities of Father Władysław Bukowiński, the apostle of Kazakhstan and a prisoner of Soviet labour camps, where he spent over 13 years of his life secretly celebrating the Holy Mass, confessing and teaching about God. He was betrayed, yet he overcame his dislike and hatred towards those he had suffered from. He was a brave missionary in Eastern Europe where repressions were made daily and where one was not even allowed to think about God. He devoted himself to the people. He helped them with simplicity and joy. Father Bukowiński was beatified on September 11, 2016. in Karaganda (Kazakhstan). Man of God was filmed in Poland, Ukraine and Kazakhstan.