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Altered States of Consciousness

18:42, 08.03.2021
Altered States of Consciousness Odmienne stany świadomości

Odmienne stany świadomości

Fot. TVP
Fot. TVP

Podziel się:   Więcej
Altered States of Consciousness is a film about the possibilities of our brain. A poetic journey deep into the world of thoughts of people with autism and Asperger’s syndrome. Where do the boundaries of our minds lie, and how much does culture confine or even extinguish our creativity in everyday life and even in love? In the film, we meet people of various ages who experience autism to differing degrees on the spectrum of the illness. With some, there is practically no contact at all, whereas others at first glance give the appearance of being “healthy.” Each of our subjects is a separate world and a unique means of seeking his or her own path in life.