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11:21, 30.05.2016
Guests Goście



Podziel się:   Więcej

Alexey Ščadroŭ used to work as a paramedic in an ambulance emergency service in Belarus. His ambulance was often called to collect homeless people from the streets, who were thrown away from the ambulance just after a few kilometres. When Alexey was imprisoned, he found himself unwanted too. The time behind bars changed the former paramedic’s outlook on life. His role model became Mother Theresa who was the embodiment of exemplary Christian perseverance, mercy and love for the outcasts. Following his release, Alexey led a vagrant’s life and lived in church buildings. Later in his life he settled in a village where he organised unofficial asylum. There he started to admit poor people and take care of them, help them obtain reissued passports and enable them to return to normal life. Concerned Belarusians were quick to provide support such as food, clothes and other necessities. Unfortunately, the local authorities were not appreciative of Alexey’s initiative. From the outset and for three challenging years, officials were forcing the former paramedic to shut the asylum down. 
