Wiadomość została wysłana.
As a result of the Treaty of
Trianon of 1920, a large part of the Kingdom of Hungary has been divided among
its neighbours. This movie is about the problems of the Hungarian minority in
today's Slovakia, Romania, Serbia and Ukraine and about the tensions that these
problems cause in the region of Central Europe. Today, Hungarians seem to have
finally accepted those territorial losses. At the same time, the Hungarian
government is increasingly involved in what is happening with their countrymen
resident in neighbouring countries. The neighbours accuse Hungary of a policy
aimed at restoring lost land. Hungary, on the other hand, accuses four of its
neighbours of pursuing an aggressive assimilation policy and applying
repression against ethnic Hungarians. The film tries to tell the story and to
understand the significance of conflicts, which are the result of both - the
decisions of the powers one hundred years ago and contemporary politics.