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May the 3rd, That Is Today

11:51, 11.05.2021
May the 3rd, That Is Today 3 maja, czyli dziś

3 maja, czyli dziś

Fot. TVP
Fot. TVP

Podziel się:   Więcej

The year 2021 marked the 230. anniversary of the Constitution of 3rd May 1791, the governing act of the reforms of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. It was a peaceful political and social revolution, keeping the monarchy while securing equal rights to nobles and burghers and guaranteeing protection for peasants. The Constitution implemented a division of powers and a system of public education. It is considered Europe's 1st and the world's 2nd, modern constitution, after the US Constitution of 1789. On this occasion TVP commissioned a new documentary on that topic: "May the 3rd, That Is Today". It highlights the context and aftermath of the events of 1791 and shows how it shaped the successor nations of the Commonwealth. Thanks to the commentary and analysis by historians and experts from Poland, Lithuania, Czechia, Germany and the UK, it draws the international perspective of this period.
