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Secret Nest of the Dynasty

12:03, 07.09.2016
Secret Nest of the Dynasty Ukryte gniazdo dynastii

Ukryte gniazdo dynastii

Action shot
Action shot

Podziel się:   Więcej

The film focuses on the ongoing investigation which aim is to determine the true birthplace of the Piast dynasty. Is it, as commonly believed, Gniezno or perhaps the no longer existing Kalisz-Zawodzie castle? Archaeologists, dendrologists and historians discuss their for and against arguments for both hypotheses. Thanks to the computer animations, the viewers can go back to the times of Mieszko I to find out more about ins and outs of the daily life of castle’s inhabitants and also to learn about the consequences of the main political events of that time, both for the contemporaneous descendants and people living in those times. The film-maker, by the use of an attractive form of narration, combines the findings of scientific research with the presentation of actual events and places relevant to the early Polish statehood. If the hypothesis that has been put forward in the film, is confirmed by the ongoing genetic research, it may turn out that Kalisz is the cradle of the Piast dynasty. 