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Walking Spark

13:33, 23.09.2015
Walking Spark Nauka Chodzenia

Nauka Chodzenia

walking spark
walking spark

Podziel się:   Więcej

The main character is a gangster who is trying to learn how to be a good man. He spent his whole life arousing fear in people by making them suffer. Peter who is a forty-five-year-old former member of Warsaw mafia, has been trying to have a new life since he left prison. Trying to put the sins of the past behind him, he is taking his first legal job in a hospice. The viewer observes the character who is taking the first steps in a normal society, breaking its internal and external locks while struggling with his own weaknesses. Objectively, he is aware of what he did wrong but subjectively it was the best period in his life, the only time when he had a sort of family, money and authority. Today he is all by himself and has trouble finding himself in ‘a normal’ society. The person who is trying to approach him is Magda. She is an artist, a graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts. Touched by his tragic childhood, she decides to create a stop motion animation about his fate.
