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France is now Poland’s second-biggest export destination

French leapfrog Czechs to become second-biggest buyers of Polish goods

20:02, 15.08.2024
  David Kennedy;   Statistics Poland
French leapfrog Czechs to become second-biggest buyers of Polish goods France has leapfrogged the Czech Republic to become Poland’s second-largest trading partner after Germany, according to official second-quarter figures.

France has leapfrogged the Czech Republic to become Poland’s second-largest trading partner after Germany, according to official second-quarter figures.

Illustrative photo of Polish-manufactured windows, a major export to France in 2023. Photo by: (mr) PAP/Jakub Kaczmarczyk
Illustrative photo of Polish-manufactured windows, a major export to France in 2023. Photo by: (mr) PAP/Jakub Kaczmarczyk

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Polish exports H1 2024. Graph by TVP World. Source Statistics Poland
While France’s share in overall Polish exports has not shifted at 6.3%, the country is now in second place owing to a drop in Czech purchases of Polish goods.

Numbers from Statistics Poland, the central statistics office, showed that Polish exports to the Czech Republic fell by 8.7 percentage points to 6.2% of total exports, or €10.7 billion.

Germany remains the top destination for Polish goods, accounting for 26.9% of all exports in the first six months of 2024; a drop from 28.2% for the same period last year.

The countries in the top 10 of the Statistics Poland export data that have increased their share of total purchases from Poland were the UK, in fourth place, seventh-placed Ukraine and the USA, in eighth, as well as ninth-placed Spain.

While the granular detail of which products were sold to France is not yet available, going by the 2023 trade figures, around 30% of exports to France consist of agricultural goods and foodstuffs.

Poland amassed some €3 bn sales of agri goods last year, an increase of 4%.
Polish imports H1 2024. Graph by TVP World. Source Statistics Poland
The shape of Poland's imports from abroad has also changed.

While France is the sixth largest source of imports seeing its total sales rise by 6%, other markets expanded their share of the market faster than Europe’s second-largest country.

Countries selling more to Poland include the US, from where purchases have grown by just under 18%. Ukraine has also increased its share in Poland’s imports, on the back of Ukrainian companies selling to a ready-made market in the form of the Ukrainian community in Poland, according to trade analysts.
źródło: Statistics Poland