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Polish gov’t to fund Port of Elbląg waterway

Polish gov’t to finance construction of waterway to Elbląg Port

13:45, 22.03.2024
  mz/kk;   PAP
Polish gov’t to finance construction of waterway to Elbląg Port The government, announced Infrastructure Minister Dariusz Klimczak on Friday, will finance the construction of a waterway connecting the port of Elbląg in northern Poland with the sea.

The government, announced Infrastructure Minister Dariusz Klimczak on Friday, will finance the construction of a waterway connecting the port of Elbląg in northern Poland with the sea.

Photo via port.elblag.pl
Photo via port.elblag.pl

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Klimczak, speaking in Elbląg, northern Poland, announced that the Ministry of Infrastructure has commissioned the Maritime Office in Gdynia to carry out a number of activities to create the necessary infrastructure to lead the waterway and sea vessels to Elbląg.

“We are finalizing work on changing the multi-annual program so that the government will allocate another PLN 30 million (EUR 6.94 million) for the creation of a waterway ensuring the functionality of the port,” the minister said.

Referring to the protracted disagreement between the former Law and Justice (PiS) government and the city of Elbląg, Klimczak declared that the conflict between the government and the local government in Elbląg has come to an end today. PiS demanded that Elbląg give up port shares in exchange for financing, but the city refused.

This left the newly-built canal across the Vistula Spit virtually useless, as no major vessels could reach Elbląg despite more than EUR 462 million having been spent on the canal.

“So far, the investment involving digging the Vistula Spit made no sense without this last stage, without an agreement with the local government, without an agreement with the port in Elbląg, which can functionally provide economic services to this place,” said the minister.

He said that dredging work will begin this year, and work on the conceptual documentation for the project is already underway.

The first sea-going vessels are expected to start using the port in around 18 months’ time.
źródło: PAP

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