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Baltic states team up to promote military heritage

Baltic states team up to promote military heritage

11:48, 01.08.2024
  jc/kk;   LSM
Baltic states team up to promote military heritage Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia have started a joint project to develop a shared military heritage tourism offering.

Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia have started a joint project to develop a shared military heritage tourism offering.

Photo: Military Heritage Tourism
Photo: Military Heritage Tourism

Podziel się:   Więcej
Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia are developing a joint project to transform military heritage sites into appealing tourist attractions.

The private Abrenes Rooms museum in Viļaka holds extensive historical records of military heritage from the period of 1920 to 1960.
Tourism experts, local entrepreneurs, and researchers have visited the museum. For the past five years, they have been collaborating with similar enthusiasts in Lithuania and Estonia to establish a joint military heritage tourism network, Latvian broadcaster Latgale Television reported.

The initiative includes excursions and practical activities to attract tourists.

“We will make videos, we will invite bloggers, we have foreign journalists who are very, very interested in the joint Baltic product,” Asnāte Ziemele, President of ‘Rural Traveler’ said.

The projects have also secured funding for discovering and restoring historic military sites in the region.

“There are some objects that need urgent preservation due to their uniqueness, especially fortified coastal batteries from the First World War that have been used over various war periods for defense,” Ziemele added.

Experts are encouraging local residents to participate in these projects by sharing stories.

A special multilingual website has been created for those interested in military heritage. Its map currently features over 600 sites, with at least 300 more museums, bunkers, collections, and other historical artifacts to be added.
źródło: LSM