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Exhibition commemorating 1863 Uprising unveiled in Vilnius

Exhibition commemorating 1863 Uprising unveiled in Lithuanian capital

20:35, 06.11.2023
  mw/rl;   PAP
Exhibition commemorating 1863 Uprising unveiled in Lithuanian capital “The Harbinger of Freedom: the 1863-1864 Uprising in Lithuania,” is the title of the exhibition commemorating the 160th anniversary of the January Uprising opened on Monday in Vincas Kudirka Square in the center of Vilnius. The purpose of the exhibition is, among others, to point out that only a joint effort can guarantee freedom.

“The Harbinger of Freedom: the 1863-1864 Uprising in Lithuania,” is the title of the exhibition commemorating the 160th anniversary of the January Uprising opened on Monday in Vincas Kudirka Square in the center of Vilnius. The purpose of the exhibition is, among others, to point out that only a joint effort can guarantee freedom.

“The message of this exhibition is that only the combined efforts of nations and states can guarantee freedom, the right to choose one’s own path of development,” reads the press release from the organizer of the exhibition, the Institute of Lithuanian History.

Dr. Olga Mastianica, co-author of the exhibition in an interview with the Polish Press Agency (PAP), stressed that the exhibition contains many Polish elements, “because it was an uprising of Poles and Lithuanians, of many nations,” and presents many previously unpublished materials.

“We have here, among other things, a photo documenting the participation of the uprising’s participants in the funeral of Marshal Józef Piłsudski’s heart in Vilnius. There were still several insurgents alive in 1936,” the historian stresses.

The exhibition consists of several thematic sections. It tells about the facts and mechanisms of the uprising, about the participants of the uprising and its leaders, recalls the consequences of the lost battle, and perpetuates the memory of “the last armed attempt to restore the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.”

The exhibition dedicated to the 160th anniversary of the January Uprising, known in Lithuania as the Uprising of 1863-1864, will be on display in Vilnius until November 20, after which it will move to various cities in the country.
źródło: PAP