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Warsaw Uprising veteran, Stanisław Jan Majewski ‘Stach’ has passed away

Warsaw Uprising veteran, Stanisław Jan Majewski ‘Stach’ has passed away

22:02, 14.12.2023
  mz/jd;   PAP
Warsaw Uprising veteran, Stanisław Jan Majewski ‘Stach’ has passed away He was one of the youngest soldiers of the Warsaw Uprising, only 15 years old at the time. Stanisław Majewski, codenamed “Stach,” a soldier of the “Zaremba-Piorun” Battalion - 2nd company “Jura,” passed away on Wednesday – as informed by The Warsaw Rising Museum on Thursday.

He was one of the youngest soldiers of the Warsaw Uprising, only 15 years old at the time. Stanisław Majewski, codenamed “Stach,” a soldier of the “Zaremba-Piorun” Battalion - 2nd company “Jura,” passed away on Wednesday – as informed by The Warsaw Rising Museum on Thursday.

Photo: @trzaskowski_ via X
Photo: @trzaskowski_ via X

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Stanisław Jan Majewski was born in Warsaw on February 8, 1929. “I belong to the generation that was raised in the ethos of national uprisings and legionary struggles. [...]It so happened that my [male] family mostly served in the cavalry. Of course, I couldn’t imagine [war] any other way than charges and sabers. [I believed that] a soldier’s death is [only] a heroic death in direct combat on the battlefield,” he said in an interview for The Warsaw Rising Museum’s Oral History Archive.

In May 1943, his school friend suggested that he join the Gray Ranks (Szare Szeregi). After the outbreak of the Warsaw Uprising, he was admitted to the AK Battalion “Zaremba-Piorun.” He served as a rifleman in the 2nd platoon “Skobiga.”

The unit was formed in the early days of the uprising in the operational area of the III district of South Śródmieście, and its commander was Romuald Radziwiłłowicz “Zaremba,” an officer of the Right Bank Inspectorate of the Warsaw District.

“Of course, hearing the whistle of a falling bomb or an incoming projectile was frightening, but somewhere inside, the awareness of the oath taken and the sense of being a soldier always lingered. And also, the fear of shame that could touch not only me but also my family if I betrayed the values instilled in me over the years. For today’s generation, it may sound like a cliché, but I can’t explain it differently,” he said to the Oral History Archive.

After the capitulation, he left Warsaw with the civilian population. He worked forcibly in Wrocław and Jelenia Góra, where he witnessed the capitulation of Germany. In May 1945, he returned to Warsaw. In the early fifties, he worked at the Passenger Car Factory, and later, he served in the Technical School of Air Forces in Zamość.

He participated in the “Fulfill the Uprising Warrior’s Dream” campaign organized by The Warsaw Rising Museum. His dream was for as many city residents as possible to gather on August 1st at 10 a.m. at the Memorial Square of the AK Battalion “Zaremba-Piorun” in Śródmieście to pay tribute to his fallen comrades. “Stach” is also the hero of a mural commemorating the Warsaw Uprising fighters from the Zaremba-Piorun Battalion on Nowogrodzka Street.

On July 12, 2021, he was elected a member of the Board of the Warsaw Uprising Veterans Association. He passed away on December 13, 2023.
źródło: PAP