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Moon hides Saturn in stunning night sky show

Moon to eclipse Saturn in rare celestial event

16:09, 04.01.2025
Moon to eclipse Saturn in rare celestial event The Moon will eclipse Saturn on Saturday, January 4, with the planet disappearing behind the Moon’s dark side in a rare astronomical event visible to the naked eye.

The Moon will eclipse Saturn on Saturday, January 4, with the planet disappearing behind the Moon’s dark side in a rare astronomical event visible to the naked eye.

The rare celestial event is among the most anticipated astronomical phenomena of 2025. Illustrative photo: European Space Agency/ X
The rare celestial event is among the most anticipated astronomical phenomena of 2025. Illustrative photo: European Space Agency/ X

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The rare celestial event is among the most anticipated astronomical phenomena of 2025.

In Poland, the eclipse will begin at different times depending on the location. In Warsaw, Saturn’s rings will first start to disappear at 18:41:50 local time, followed by the planet itself at 18:42:10.

The entire process of the planet’s disappearance will take approximately 70 seconds, with the last visible part of Saturn’s rings vanishing around 18:43:10.

The Moon will be in a small phase, providing ideal conditions for viewing. Saturn is currently in a bright state making it possible to be seen with the naked eye, though binoculars or telescopes will significantly enhance the experience.

People watching with the naked eye might see Saturn’s light slowly fade as the Moon covers it.

After about an hour, around 19:41, the Moon will uncover Saturn on its bright side. However, this part of the event will not be visible to the naked eye due to the Moon’s illuminated edge.