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Rare Roman coins found in eastern Poland

Treasure trove of Roman coins found in eastern Poland

10:54, 31.07.2024
  jc/kk;   CBS
Treasure trove of Roman coins found in eastern Poland A treasure trove of Roman coins has been found by metal detector enthusiasts in south east Poland.

A treasure trove of Roman coins has been found by metal detector enthusiasts in south east Poland.

Photo: Lubelski Wojewódzki Konserwator Zabytków via Facebook
Photo: Lubelski Wojewódzki Konserwator Zabytków via Facebook

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The treasure hunters came across the horde while investigating a field in the village of Księżpol.

Among the denars (silver coins) were three bearing the image of the Roman emperor Antonius Pius, minted between 138 and 161, and one featuring his wife, Faustyna the Younger, minted in 141.
Additionally, a silver denar with the image of Marcus Aurelius, minted in 174, was found.

The searchers also uncovered some counterfeit denars produced by the Germanic Visigoths. One of these coins was illegible, while another, depicting Antonius Pius, was described as “poorly readable,” featuring an image of the emperor and a replica of the inscription found on authentic coins.

The final coin in the collection was a larger denar, twice the typical size, making it “fairly rare,” according to the conservator. This coin depicts empress Herennia Cupressenia Etruscilla and was minted between 249 and 251.

The excavation also revealed “several small silicon tools” and dozens of pieces of pottery, according to the conservator.

While the age of the tools remains undetermined, the pottery fragments are predominantly from the Roman period. One fragment dates back to the Early Middle Ages, while others are more recent.

The discovery of such a vast number of items in a small area led officials to believe they had found a previously unknown archaeological site.

Excavation tests and further searches of the fields are planned for the area, the conservator said.
źródło: CBS