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Tatar leader hopes to see a NATO base in Crimea

Crimean Tatar leader hopes to see a NATO base on the peninsula after liberation

18:41, 18.05.2024
  mw;   PAP
Crimean Tatar leader hopes to see a NATO base on the peninsula after liberation After the Crimean Peninsula is liberated from Russian occupation, Ukraine’s powerful Black Sea Fleet will most likely be stationed there, and perhaps a NATO base will be established there, Crimean Tatar leader Mustafa Dzhemilev told Ukrainian media on Saturday.

After the Crimean Peninsula is liberated from Russian occupation, Ukraine’s powerful Black Sea Fleet will most likely be stationed there, and perhaps a NATO base will be established there, Crimean Tatar leader Mustafa Dzhemilev told Ukrainian media on Saturday.

Leader of Crimean Tatars and the Member of the Ukrainian Parliament Mustafa Dzhemilev. Photo: Dogukan Keskinkilic/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images
Leader of Crimean Tatars and the Member of the Ukrainian Parliament Mustafa Dzhemilev. Photo: Dogukan Keskinkilic/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

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“We have had many discussions about what Crimea will be like after the war ends. Even before the full-scale invasion, it was said that it would be a demilitarized area, just for holidaymakers. At that time I said not to rush into such wishes,” Dzhemilev said in an interview given to the Krym.Realii news website.

“Most likely there will be a powerful Black Sea Fleet of Ukraine. And, God willing, if we join NATO, an Alliance base,” he added, stressing that “with a neighbor like that, one cannot think about demilitarization.”

The Crimean Peninsula, which is internationally recognized as part of Ukraine, was annexed by Russia in March 2014 following an armed intervention and an illegally organized referendum. The authorities in Kyiv as well as Western countries consider the annexation a violation of international law.

The Tatars, who made up between 12% and 15% of the peninsula’s population before the annexation, boycotted the vote and risked reprisals from Moscow.
źródło: PAP