“Thanks to the quick actions taken, the impact of the attack on the functioning of institutions was not significant,” the newspaper emphasized.
Spokespersons from the Estonian Information Systems Authority (RIA) announced on Monday that dozens of public sector websites were targeted during the attack on Saturday and Sunday.
Among the targeted sites were those of the Estonian Police and Border Guard Board (PPA), the tax and customs board, and the Ministry of Justice. The attacks against these institutions were the most intense, as highlighted by the RIA.
“Thanks to the preventive measures implemented in recent years,
DDoS attacks usually have minimal or no visible impact. Once again, the authorities
reacted promptly, and the effects were mitigated. On Saturday, nearly three billion malicious access requests were sent to the (targeted) state institutions,” said RIA spokespersons.
The agency emphasized that the onset of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine
has led to an escalation in the scale of cyberattacks targeting the websites of both Estonian public and private sectors.
“Pro-Kremlin hacker groups have been primarily claiming responsibility for the attacks, as was the case last weekend,” noted the Estonian agency.