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Europe should create its own response force: Polish FM

Polish FM in favor of creating EU military response force

09:29, 21.02.2024
  fb/kk;   PAP
Polish FM in favor of creating EU military response force Europe should create its own response force in addition to its national armies, Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski told private news broadcaster TVN24 on Tuesday, adding that NATO members “should prepare to deter Putin,” instead of preparing for a war in Europe.

Europe should create its own response force in addition to its national armies, Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski told private news broadcaster TVN24 on Tuesday, adding that NATO members “should prepare to deter Putin,” instead of preparing for a war in Europe.

Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski. Photo: PAP/EPA/Piotr Nowak
Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski. Photo: PAP/EPA/Piotr Nowak

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“Weakness provokes, strength deters; we need to build our strength,” he said.

Sikorski also expressed his support for the creation of the office of EU Commissioner for Defense, as recently suggested by the head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen.

He also stressed that there were calls for the “creation of a combined command, a reinforced brigade to intervene on the Union’s periphery, but made up of volunteers from member states rather than subdivisions from member states.”

The Polish FM also warned against talking about a “European army” because “it gives the impression that we are going to merge national armies.”
źródło: PAP