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President Duda extends overseas military deployments

Polish President approves extension of military contingents’ presence overseas

21:54, 28.06.2024
  mz/mw;   PAP
Polish President approves extension of military contingents’ presence overseas Poland’s President Andrzej Duda has approved the extension of Polish military contingents’ deployments in Turkey, Iraq, and Latvia thereby demonstrating Poland’s commitment to international security and defense alliances.

Poland’s President Andrzej Duda has approved the extension of Polish military contingents’ deployments in Turkey, Iraq, and Latvia thereby demonstrating Poland’s commitment to international security and defense alliances.

Additionally, he has approved the continued presence of allied military components from the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada on Polish soil until December 31, 2024. This decision was communicated by the National Security Bureau (BBN) on Friday evening via the social media platform X.

The president’s directives include extending the operational period of three key Polish military contingents.

The Polish Military Contingent in Turkey (PKW Turkey) will maintain up to 95 soldiers, the contingent in Iraq (PKW Iraq) will have up to 350 soldiers, and the contingent in Latvia (PKW Latvia) will comprise up to 260 soldiers. The Polish Military Contingent in Turkey primarily supports NATO’s enhanced air policing missions, contributing to regional stability and collective defense. The continent’s presence in Iraq is part of a broader international effort to combat terrorism and support local forces in maintaining security and rebuilding the nation. In Latvia, the Polish contingent participates in NATO’s Enhanced Forward Presence (eFP) initiative, which aims to deter aggression and strengthen the alliance’s eastern flank.

Allied forces in Poland

In addition to extending the deployment of Polish military contingents, President Duda has also sanctioned the presence of allied military forces in Poland until the end of 2024.

This includes up to 6,500 soldiers from the United States, up to 700 soldiers from the United Kingdom, and up to 350 soldiers from Canada. These forces will be accompanied by their respective weaponry and combat equipment, ensuring they are fully operational and ready to respond to any potential threats.
źródło: PAP