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Polish President appeals for ‘common sense’ on central bank head probe

Polish President warns against motion to start probe against central bank head

20:42, 20.03.2024
  fb/mw;   PAP
Polish President warns against motion to start probe against central bank head Polish President Andrzej Duda appealed for common sense as he pointed to the government’s planned motion to bring central bank governor Adam Glapiński before the State Tribunal.

Polish President Andrzej Duda appealed for common sense as he pointed to the government’s planned motion to bring central bank governor Adam Glapiński before the State Tribunal.

President of the National Bank of Poland Adam Glapinski. Photo: Mateusz Wlodarczyk/NurPhoto via Getty Images
President of the National Bank of Poland Adam Glapinski. Photo: Mateusz Wlodarczyk/NurPhoto via Getty Images

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On Tuesday, Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk said the motion was ready and would be filed with the court in the coming days.

The government has accused Glapiński of putting political loyalties before the interests of the Polish economy during the years of the previous Law and Justice (PiS) government, which was in office from 2015 till December last year.

The government claims that Glapiński cut interest rates ahead of last October’s general election, despite inflation remaining high, to give PiS a boost in the polls.
The submitting of a motion to bring the central bank (NBP) governor before the State Tribunal was one of the 100 promises presented by the Civic Coalition (KO), the current government’s largest party.

Presidential appeal

Duda commented on Tusk’s announcement during his visit to Slovenia on Wednesday.
“I appeal for common sense because Poland’s financial stability and the stability of Poland's position on the international financial markets are of absolutely paramount importance,” he said at a press conference in Ljubljana on Wednesday.

He added that there will always be “backlash” if someone tries to remove the head of the central bank in this kind of way.

“Even more so if you try to remove the head of the central bank under whose governance it was possible to not only survive the very difficult time of the coronavirus pandemic,” Duda pointed out.

According to him, inflation in Poland had been “suppressed to a great extent”, even though it was expected that we would have a “total catastrophe”.

“No catastrophe occurred and it happened, among others, thanks to the wise, reasonable policy implemented by ... Glapiński and the Monetary Policy Council (MPC),” Duda concluded.

Violation of Central Bank’s independence

According to the Monetary Policy Council, bringing Glapiński before the State Tribunal and suspending him from his duties will violate the independence of the central bank and will undermine trust in the stability of the country's financial system.
The MPC also stated in early March that such a move would have a negative impact on the Polish people and the Polish economy.

No request yet

There is no request for the state tribunal for Chairman Glapiński, we will analyze it as soon as we receive it. So far it has not been received,” the Polish lower house of Parliament (Sejm) Speaker Szymon Hołownia said.

We expect some legislative communication from the government in the next few days because it seems the prime minister announced that there will be action on this issue, but this motion is not here yet,” he added.

What if the motion is adopted?

A motion to bring someone before the State Tribunal, a body that examines the potential wrongdoing of people holding high office, may be submitted to the Sejm by the president or at least 115 MPs. The Constitutional Accountability Committee may decide to file a motion to prosecute the official or discontinue the proceedings.

A resolution to bring a central bank head to justice before the State Tribunal must be adopted in the Sejm by an absolute majority of votes (231) in the presence of at least half of the statutory number of MPs.

If the resolution is adopted, Glapiński would be suspended and his duties would be taken over by the Vice-President of the National Bank of Poland.
źródło: PAP