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Unlimited resources for Poland’s border security, says PM Tusk

Prime Minister Tusk declares unlimited resources for Poland’s security

12:19, 11.05.2024
  pl/rl;   PAP
Prime Minister Tusk declares unlimited resources for Poland’s security During a meeting with soldiers of the Polish Army and Border Guard officers in Karakule, eastern Poland on Saturday, Prime Minister Donald Tusk assured that “there will be no limits when it comes to securing the border,” recalling that the Polish frontier have been put under constant pressure from Belarus, which is waging "a hybrid warfare" against Poland.

During a meeting with soldiers of the Polish Army and Border Guard officers in Karakule, eastern Poland on Saturday, Prime Minister Donald Tusk assured that “there will be no limits when it comes to securing the border,” recalling that the Polish frontier have been put under constant pressure from Belarus, which is waging "a hybrid warfare" against Poland.

Photo: PAP/Paweł Supernak
Photo: PAP/Paweł Supernak

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The Prime Minister paid a visit to the Podlaskie Province early on Saturday. After a briefing with soldiers of the Polish Army and officers of the Border Guard and Police in the Military Task Group Podlasie, he emphasized that there is a need to “strengthen the border—both in connection with the pressure organized by the regime of President Lukashenka and also in connection with the growing threat resulting from Russia’s aggression on Ukraine and the uncertain geopolitical situation.”

“We have started intensive work on modern fortifications, and these fortifications in many dimensions will be created along the entire Polish border with the east. This is not only the internal border of Poland, but also the EU border. Therefore, I have no doubt that all of Europe will have to—and I know we will achieve this—invest in its security, investing in the eastern border of Poland, and in the security of our border,” said the head of government.

He added that he made a declaration to the commanders of the Polish Army and Border Guard that “there are no limits to resources when it comes to Poland’s security.” “Just as we decided a long time ago that we will not save on security when we think about equipping Polish Army soldiers with the most modern weapons, there will also be no limits when it comes to securing the border, and other services, such as the Border Guard, the police operating here, can and will be able to count on us in the future as well,” assured Tusk.

As he emphasized, it’s not just about the technical infrastructure but also about improving the “equipment of every soldier, officer, female officer on this border.” “Everyone must see that you are at the very center of interest and support of the Polish state, so that we can always proudly talk about how difficult, demanding service looks here and so that the whole world can see that we present the highest level, the highest sacrifice on every Polish border,” the head of government pointed out.
Hybrid war escalates

Tusk pointed out that the Polish-Belarusian border is a unique location due to the pressure of illegal immigration.

“In fact, we are dealing with an escalating hybrid war. (...) I want the Polish public to increasingly understand the extremely challenging and demanding service, the mission of all the individuals involved in protecting the Polish border. This applies not only to the Belarusian section but to the entire Polish border,” stated the Prime Minister.

He underscored that the Polish-Belarusian border is a distinctive location due to the strain of illegal immigration. “Indeed, we are confronting an escalating hybrid war. I want to make it clear: Belarus, a state with increasingly aggressive intentions toward Poland, is co-organizing this activity on the Polish border. Hence, there is a need for cooperation, which is proceeding very well here, with all services responsible not only for border security but also for the security of the Polish state,” emphasized the head of government.
Enhanced border infrastructure

Prime Minister also said that there would be a strengthening of infrastructure on the Polish-Belarusian border and enhanced legal protection for soldiers and officers serving there.

The head of government expressed his desire to let the wider audience understand the situation on the Polish border. “I am aware that the number of illegal crossings is increasing daily. We anticipated this, hence our discussions today about fortifying the border infrastructure as soon as possible,” Tusk emphasized.

He also highlighted the need for legal amendments that would ensure soldiers and officers feel fully legally secure in their actions on the border. “You will not be left alone in this matter. You can rely on the support of the Polish state,” he assured, addressing the representatives of the uniformed services.

Later on Saturday, Donald Tusk is also anticipated to meet with soldiers and officers on the border near Krynki.
źródło: PAP