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Bring conscription back, say two Baltic presidents: report

Two Baltic presidents urge NATO to reinstate conscription: report

12:21, 25.03.2024
  sd/rl;   ft.com
Two Baltic presidents urge NATO to reinstate conscription: report According to a report published by the British business newspaper Financial Times (FT), Latvian President Edgars Rinkēvičs and his Estonian counterpart, President Alar Karis, have urged other NATO member states “to do more to prepare for a possible armed confrontation with Russia by looking at everything from conscription and a special defense tax to dramatically increasing military spending,” according to a report published by the British business newspaper Financial Times (FT).

According to a report published by the British business newspaper Financial Times (FT), Latvian President Edgars Rinkēvičs and his Estonian counterpart, President Alar Karis, have urged other NATO member states “to do more to prepare for a possible armed confrontation with Russia by looking at everything from conscription and a special defense tax to dramatically increasing military spending,” according to a report published by the British business newspaper Financial Times (FT).

Illustrative Photo by Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images
Illustrative Photo by Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images

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The FT report follows calls from Polish President Andrzej Duda, who recently urged NATO member countries to increase their defense expenditure to 3% of GDP.

Rinkēvičs, Latvia’s head of state, has told FT that “European countries needed to return to ‘cold war-era spending’ levels and should discuss the return of compulsory military service to boost defense forces’ manpower… There is a need for serious discussion about conscription.”

The FT report follows hard on the heels of the violation of Polish airspace by a suspected Russian cruise missile.

On Sunday, the Armed Forces Operational Command (DO RSZ) reported that “on March 24 this year at 4:23 a.m., there was a violation of Polish airspace by one of the cruise missiles launched by the long-range aviation of the Russian Federation. The targets of the strikes were localities in western Ukraine.”

Meanwhile, Karis, Estonia’s head of state, told FT in a separate interview that “a special tax to fund military purchases was worth considering, while Europe should aim to match U.S. defense spending at a minimum—implying a more than doubling of current levels.”

źródło: ft.com