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Poland plans stricter rules for Pole’s Card

Poland to tighten requirements for card granted to people of Polish descent

11:16, 18.10.2024
Poland to tighten requirements for card granted to people of Polish descent The Polish government plans to tighten the requirements for obtaining the Pole’s Card (Karta Polaka), a document that grants privileges to foreigners of Polish descent.

The Polish government plans to tighten the requirements for obtaining the Pole’s Card (Karta Polaka), a document that grants privileges to foreigners of Polish descent.

The card allows people to work in Poland, claim benefits and apply for Polish citizenship. Photo: PAP/Valdemar Doveiko
The card allows people to work in Poland, claim benefits and apply for Polish citizenship. Photo: PAP/Valdemar Doveiko

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The tougher requirements to get the card, which opens the door to getting Polish citizenship, come amid a hardening rhetoric from the Polish government on migration and asylum.

According to Poland’s new requirements, foreigners applying for the Pole’s Card will have to demonstrate knowledge of the Polish language, the Polish newspaper Rzeczpospolita reported.

It added that the changes come in response to reports of abuses in the process of issuing this document, which allows access to benefits such as work permits and a fast-track to Polish citizenship. The government, apparently, intends to address concerns over fraudulent claims of Polish ancestry by applicants, some of whom have used forged documents.

Previously, individuals active in Polish diaspora organizations could apply for the Pole’s Card after three years of involvement, even without demonstrating Polish heritage. This provision has faced criticism for allowing foreigners without direct ties to Poland to obtain the document, leading to concerns over potential misuse.

The government now aims to set stricter criteria to prevent further abuses. Currently, over 200,000 people hold the Pole’s Card, which has proven particularly attractive to foreigners from Eastern Europe.

This Polish ancestry document allows holders to apply for Polish citizenship after just one year, granting them access to the European Union. The document also offers benefits such as the right to work in Poland without a permit and to conduct business under the same conditions as Polish citizens.

Additionally, those with a Pole’s Card may receive financial support to help with living expenses upon applying for permanent residency in Poland. This assistance can be provided for up to nine months. Holders are also prioritized when applying for financial aid programs supporting Polish communities abroad.