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Poland publishes draft bills legalizing same-sex civil unions

Polish government publishes draft bills legalizing same-sex civil unions

19:45, 18.10.2024
Polish government publishes draft bills legalizing same-sex civil unions The Polish government has published two draft bills to legalize same-sex civil unions in Poland.

The Polish government has published two draft bills to legalize same-sex civil unions in Poland.

If passed into law, the bills – unveiled on Friday – would allow both same-sex and opposite-sex couples to form legally recognized civil partnerships.

Poland’s Minister for Equality, Katarzyna Kotula, said in a social media post: “It’s official! The draft laws on registered partnerships, which were discussed with non-governmental organizations, have been sent for public and inter-ministerial consultations.

“This is a very important day for me, because I am handing over to you the result of many months of work from our entire team,” she added.

Civil partnerships would, among other things, allow couples to have joint ownership of property and shared assets.

The bills do not, however, allow for a member of a same-sex couple to legally adopt the child of their partner, with Kotula saying that compromises had to be made during the drafting process.

Instead, the draft legislation says that: “A person in a civil partnership is entitled to participate in the ongoing care of a child residing together with them, who remains under the parental authority of the other person in the partnership…unless either of the parents exercising parental authority over the child objects to this.”

In her social media post, Kotula also said: “We are continuing a legislative process that has not yet taken place in Poland and that we hope will result in the introduction of a new institution into Polish law.
“This is a new chapter in the long march for equality, which, thanks to many years of work by LGBT organizations and civil society, has led us to this historic moment,” Kotula added.

The draft bills would still need to be approved via a vote in Poland’s parliament and signed by Polish President Andrzej Duda before becoming law.

A survey carried out by pollster Ipsos in June found that two-thirds of Poles believe that same-sex couples should have the opportunity to marry or legalize their relationships in another way.

According to the LGBT+ Pride 2024 survey by pollster Ipsos, legalization is supported by 67% of Polish respondents.

Of these, 39% supported the idea of same-sex marriages while 28% supported legalization in other forms.

The survey also found that 41% of Poles now support the right of same-sex couples to adopt children, an increase of 8 percentage points compared to a similar survey from 2021.

Poland is one of five EU countries that does not yet legally recognize same-sex civil unions, along with Bulgaria, Romania, Lithuania and Slovakia.