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Polish Parliament premises to allow dogs

Polish Parliament premises to allow dogs, reports daily

10:08, 15.05.2024
  sd/kk;   PAP
Polish Parliament premises to allow dogs, reports daily Regulations that will allow dogs on parliamentary premises are being finalized, the Polish Rzeczpospolita newspaper has reported.

Regulations that will allow dogs on parliamentary premises are being finalized, the Polish Rzeczpospolita newspaper has reported.

Illustrative Photo PAP/Leszek Szymański
Illustrative Photo PAP/Leszek Szymański

Podziel się:   Więcej
According to the report, “rules concerning the allowing of dogs will soon be in force in the Sejm [the lower house of parliament].”

“The owner will have to carry the dog’s health book, have a muzzle readily available, and be responsible for the behavior of the pet,” states the daily. “The owner will have to clean up after it, and parliamentary guards will be able to refuse entry to aggressive dogs.”

Until now, no such rules regarding dogs were in place, the newspaper added.

Deputy Speaker Dorota Niedziela from the Civic Coalition, the main governing grouping in Poland’s ruling alliance, is currently working on the regulations.

The article pointed out that under the planned regulations concerning dogs inside the parliament buildings, “the dogs will not be allowed to enter the plenary chamber or meeting rooms.”

The report adds: “Cars used for the transportation of parliamentary ministers are to become accessible to dogs. Interior regulations exist that already allow pets to stay in the parliamentary hotel.”
źródło: PAP