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Police intervene at University of Warsaw amid pro-Palestinian student protest

University of Warsaw authorities call police to disperse pro-Palestinian student blockade

16:35, 12.06.2024
  fb/rl;   Polskie Radio 24, uw.edu.pl
University of Warsaw authorities call police to disperse pro-Palestinian student blockade Police forcibly dispersed pro-Palestinian students blocking Warsaw University's entrance at the rector’s request.

Police forcibly dispersed pro-Palestinian students blocking Warsaw University's entrance at the rector’s request.

The protest at the University of Warsaw (UW) has been ongoing for nearly three weeks. Protesters demand that the university condemn Israel’s attacks on Gaza and sever ties with Israeli entities. So far, the university has agreed to review the extent and nature of these collaborations. However, after protesters ignored requests to end a blockade, which had been obstructing traffic in and out of the university since June 11, Rector Alojzy Nowak called for intervention. The university released a statement stressing the need to ensure the rights and freedoms of the entire campus community.
“For the safety of the undisturbed work of the University as well as the rights and freedom of the students and employees, the UW authorities requested the assistance from the police to restore the infringed law and order,” the statement said.

The university highlighted incidents where pregnant women and employees needing chemotherapy were allegedly blocked from exiting the campus.

Protesters disagree

Protesters dismissed these accusations as lies, asserting that they allowed disabled individuals, pregnant women, and those in life-threatening situations to leave throughout the blockade.

They claimed to have recordings confirming their statements. According to the protesters, since the blockade started on Tuesday, everyone was allowed to leave, only incoming vehicles were blocked.

Current situation

The police intervention aimed solely to clear the blockade and tents blocking traffic.

Protesters are still allowed to remain on campus, although university authorities have removed Palestinian flags from buildings.

According to higher education laws, police can only enter university grounds in exceptional circumstances, such as imminent threats to life, natural disasters, or at the rector’s invitation.

There is still no agreement between striking students and the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, where another protest has been going on for weeks. Students demand "a firm condemnation of Israel's war crimes in the Gaza Strip.” They continue to occupy the Collegium Broscianum building at Grodzka Street.
źródło: Polskie Radio 24, uw.edu.pl