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Almost half of Poles against euro adoption, survey shows

Almost half of Poles against euro adoption, according to survey

11:37, 27.05.2024
  jc/kk;   PAP
Almost half of Poles against euro adoption, according to survey A total of 49% of respondents stated that Poland should not adopt the euro, according to a CBOS poll for the Polish Press Agency (PAP).

A total of 49% of respondents stated that Poland should not adopt the euro, according to a CBOS poll for the Polish Press Agency (PAP).

Photo Illustration by Cezary Kowalski/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images
Photo Illustration by Cezary Kowalski/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images

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As few as 13% believe Poland should adopt the euro in the next three years, while 22% think the transition should happen within the next 10 years, and 10% think it should happen further into the future than that.

Respondents to the ‘Introduction of the Euro in Poland’ survey were reminded that when joining the EU 20 years ago, Poland pledged to adopt the euro currency, and were asked when the adoption should occur.

CBOS also investigated how voters of individual political parties feel about the issue of euro adoption.
Only 1% of Law and Justice (PiS) voters believe that it should happen in the next three years; this opinion was expressed by 28% of Civic Coalition (KO) voters, 7% of Third Way voters, 25% of the Left, and zero % of Confederation of voters.

Adoption in the next 10 years is supported by 10% of PiS voters; 42% of those declaring support for the KO; 37% of Third Way supporters; 6% of Confederation of voters; 19% of undecided voters and 9% of respondents not intending to vote.

Poland should not adopt the euro at all according to: 75% of PiS voters, 13% of KO voters; 37% of the Third Way; 34% of the Left; 75% of the Confederation; 59% of undecided voters and 62% of respondents not intending to vote.

The answers that “we should not adopt the euro at all” were most often given by respondents aged 55-64 (54%); residents of cities with up to 20,000 residents (61%); those with primary education (68%); farmers (81%) and those with a monthly net income of up to 1,999 zloty (€470) at 62%.

Finance Minister Andrzej Domański said in mid-May that Poland’s economy is not ready for the single currency, and no work is underway at his ministry to adopt the euro.

“The Polish economy is absolutely not ready to adopt the euro, we do not meet the convergence criteria,” Domański said. He stressed that the zloty has helped the Polish economy cope with crises many times.

The CBOS survey was conducted by computer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI) between May 20 and 23, 2024 on a sample of 1,000 adult Polish residents.
źródło: PAP