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Baltic firm wins EC funding for small-language AI tech

Baltic company gets EC funding to develop AI tools for small languages

21:05, 05.07.2024
  ej/kk;   lrt.it, tilde.com, aiboost-project.eu
Baltic company gets EC funding to develop AI tools for small languages A Baltic language technology company, Tilde, has won an EU competition for AI start-ups which has netted it €250,000 and access to LUMI, the continent’s most powerful supercomputer.

A Baltic language technology company, Tilde, has won an EU competition for AI start-ups which has netted it €250,000 and access to LUMI, the continent’s most powerful supercomputer.

Artūras Vasiļevskis receives the winner's cerificate on behalf of Tilde. Photo: X/@TildeCom
Artūras Vasiļevskis receives the winner's cerificate on behalf of Tilde. Photo: X/@TildeCom

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Tilde won the money and use of LUMI to develop a large language model (LLM) for small European languages.

“Global companies developing artificial intelligence (AI) solutions are focusing on English and other major languages,” the chairman of Tilde Group’s board, Artūras Vasiļevskis, was quoted in a statement as saying.

“ChatGPT’s results in major languages are of much higher quality than in Lithuanian, Latvian, and other smaller European languages. The European Commission prize money and access to one of the world’s most powerful supercomputers will allow our team to work on incorporating Lithuanian, Latvian and other European languages into AI solutions.”

The Large AI Grand Challenge was intended to “foster the development of large-scale AI models in Europe and substantially increase the visibility of Europe’s activity in this field,” according to the competition’s website.

Tilde said on the X platform that the prize money and two million GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) hours—a metric used to measure computational resources in deep learning for AI—on the LUMI supercomputer in Finland, would help it to “develop a foundational LLM that enhances linguistic inclusivity across European languages.”

Tilde is a language technology company with offices in Vilnius, Riga and Tallinn that offers services which include machine translation, localization, and AI chatbots.
źródło: lrt.it, tilde.com, aiboost-project.eu