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Biggest challenge for EU economy – implementing green transition, expert says

Implementation of green transition ‘the biggest challenge’ for EU economy, expert says

09:50, 06.06.2024
  fb/rl;   TVP World
Implementation of green transition ‘the biggest challenge’ for EU economy, expert says The EU economy has all it needs to face the green, energy, and digital transition, senior economist Raffaella Tenconi told TVP World in an exclusive interview on the condition of the Union’s finances amid the European Parliament elections.

The EU economy has all it needs to face the green, energy, and digital transition, senior economist Raffaella Tenconi told TVP World in an exclusive interview on the condition of the Union’s finances amid the European Parliament elections.

Photo: TVP World
Photo: TVP World

Podziel się:   Więcej
Raffaella Tenconi holds degrees from the London School of Economics and has twenty years of experience as an economist. She has worked at Bank of America Merrill Lynch and served as Chief Economist at Wood & Company and Straumur Investment Bank. In 2015, she founded Analyse. Debate. Act. Economics (ADA).
źródło: TVP World