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Script Fiesta Festival kicks off in Warsaw

Discover Warsaw’s Script Fiesta Festival with Artur Zaborski

14:26, 18.04.2024
  mz/rl;   TVP World
Discover Warsaw’s Script Fiesta Festival with Artur Zaborski

Photo: TVP World
Photo: TVP World

Podziel się:   Więcej
The 12th edition of the Script Fiesta Festival commences in Warsaw on Thursday. TVP World has invited the artistic director of the festival, Artur Zaborski, to provide some insights into the history of the festival and what we can expect from this year’s edition. One of the prominent guests of this year’s edition will be film director Krzysztof Zanussi, who will be discussing his time in Hollywood. Participation is free of charge, so visit the website and secure your free ticket.
źródło: TVP World