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Annual Two Theaters Festival concludes

Festival promoting ‘unique tradition of Polish TV and radio theaters’ concludes

19:40, 25.06.2024
  fb/rl;   TVP World
Festival promoting ‘unique tradition of Polish TV and radio theaters’ concludes The 23rd annual Two Theaters Festival, a prestigious event showcasing television and radio plays, concluded on Monday.

The 23rd annual Two Theaters Festival, a prestigious event showcasing television and radio plays, concluded on Monday.

Photo: TVP World
Photo: TVP World

Podziel się:   Więcej
The festival brought together a large group of creators, actors, and theater enthusiasts. Over several days, participants had the opportunity to see world-class performances and listen to top-notch radio plays.

During the closing ceremony, awards were presented in several categories, recognizing the best productions and acting performances.

The festival promotes and shows “the unique tradition of Polish TV and radio theaters,” Michał Walczak, the jury member of the Two Theatre Festival told TVP World in an interview about the event.

“The most important thing in TV theater is having the opportunity to connect with great actors,” he added.

Watch the full interview above.
źródło: TVP World