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Poland establishes new linguistic diversity institution

Polish culture ministry launches new linguistic diversity institution

11:02, 11.05.2024
  sd/rl;   PAP
Polish culture ministry launches new linguistic diversity institution The Institute for Linguistic Diversity of the Republic of Poland will be dedicated to popularizing knowledge of Poland’s linguistic diversity at home and abroad, in addition to documenting the country’s linguistic heritage, the culture ministry’s website has announced.

The Institute for Linguistic Diversity of the Republic of Poland will be dedicated to popularizing knowledge of Poland’s linguistic diversity at home and abroad, in addition to documenting the country’s linguistic heritage, the culture ministry’s website has announced.

PAP/Albert Zawada
PAP/Albert Zawada

Podziel się:   Więcej
According to the website, “Culture strengthens the sense of identity, and identity includes our language. Language varieties and dialects are an integral part of our small homelands — the regions from which we come and to which we are connected.

Bartłomiej Sienkiewicz, Polish culture and national heritage minister, said: “We should be proud of our roots and the traditions that have shaped us. The language of our grandmothers and grandfathers is a tremendous value that should be nurtured.”

He stressed: “The dialects and language varieties used today are our heritage. We want regional languages to be visible and visible in society. We want them to be alive and passed onto future generations.”

The website explains that “it is the language that creates and sustains social ties, allows us to learn about cultural achievements and pass them on. The Institute for Linguistic Diversity of the Republic of Poland was established to take care of this heritage.

“Its main task is to popularize the knowledge of Poland's linguistic diversity, especially with regard to the languages and language varieties used today on Polish territory. The established institution will take care of documenting our linguistic heritage, functioning multilingualism, and protection of linguistic rights.”
źródło: PAP