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Unveiling ‘SHE’: Klemntyna's path to debut album

Polish newcomer shines in New York with her debut album

14:23, 24.06.2024
  mz/rl;   TVP World
Polish newcomer shines in New York with her debut album Polish-born singer Klemntyna has just released her debut album, “SHE.” To discuss this exciting milestone, TVP World’s correspondent Klaudia Czerwińska visited her and her producer, Jake, in their Brooklyn studio.

Polish-born singer Klemntyna has just released her debut album, “SHE.” To discuss this exciting milestone, TVP World’s correspondent Klaudia Czerwińska visited her and her producer, Jake, in their Brooklyn studio.

screenshot  via You Tube @klemntyna
screenshot via You Tube @klemntyna

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Klemntyna began her musical journey at age 12, initially inspired by icons like Michael Jackson. “I became obsessed with Michael Jackson,” she recalls, describing how she would create dance routines to perform for her mother.

This passion led her to vocal classes and eventually to songwriting. Influences such as Whitney Houston, Christina Aguilera, Mariah Carey, and Beyoncé have all played a role in her development as an artist.

“After years of studying and training my voice, I later started to also write my own songs,” Klemntyna shares. It wasn't until she met Jake at a songwriting workshop in New York that her professional music career truly kicked off.

“I really want to make music that is definitely new in some way. That doesn't really sound like anybody else,” she says. Her debut album, while primarily pop and R&B, has a fresh sound that she hopes sets her apart.

Jake, her producer, was immediately drawn to Klemntyna’s powerful and authentic voice. “Her range is crazy... The way she sings is very honest… it’s authentic.”

Klemntyna's creative process is deeply personal. “Writing this album and these songs, I was definitely writing from the perspective of this being my experience," she says. The songs on “SHE” are a diary of her life over the past four years, offering listeners a glimpse into her personal journey.

Reflecting on her journey, Klemntyna advises young creatives to remain focused and believe in their dreams. "It really comes down to the fact that you really need to have a dream and really believe in it, and just, like, go for it.”

Klemntyna’s debut album, “SHE,”has come out on June 21, 2024, with live performances gracing this milestone event in her career.

Watch the full interview to see and hear more.
źródło: TVP World