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Rescued eagle chicks to return to the wild soon

Polish eagle-protecting organization rescues two fallen chicks

12:47, 19.06.2024
  fb/kk;   X, koo.org.pl
Polish eagle-protecting organization rescues two fallen chicks Two white-tailed eagle chicks that fell from their nest have been rescued and are currently recovering in a rehabilitation center, Poland’s State Forests announced on social media.

Two white-tailed eagle chicks that fell from their nest have been rescued and are currently recovering in a rehabilitation center, Poland’s State Forests announced on social media.

Photo: Lasy Państwowe/ X
Photo: Lasy Państwowe/ X

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Every year, adult white-tailed eagles strengthen the structure of their nest and expand it, making it heavier, the organization explained.

“This nest was about 2 meters high, making the branch on which it was supported unable to bear the weight and broke.”

Thankfully, a member of the Eagle Conservation Committee (KOO) was able to save the chicks.

“The birds have been taken to a rehabilitation center. They are healthy, though somewhat weakened, and will soon be returned to the wild,” State Forests said. Established in 1981, the Eagle Conservation Committee dedicates itself to the conservation and research of birds of prey in Poland. With approximately 500 members, the organization comprises ornithologists, forestry workers, and bird enthusiasts who engage in various conservation activities.

Their efforts include monitoring bird populations, habitat requirements, breeding success, and ensuring legal protections are upheld.

The organization’s initiatives, largely driven by the volunteer efforts of its members, have earned them several accolades, such as the main prize in the Ford Motor Company Awards for Environmental Conservation and Cultural Heritage and the National Geographic Traveler Award for Social Initiative of the Year in 2007.
źródło: X, koo.org.pl

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