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Allowing Putin to win would increase nuclear arms race risk: FM Sikorski

Allowing Putin to win would increase nuclear arms race risk: FM Sikorski for TVP World

10:50, 12.03.2024
  kk;   TVP World
Allowing Putin to win would increase nuclear arms race risk: FM Sikorski for TVP World In April, NATO will celebrate its 75th anniversary. Over the past seven decades of its existence, it has expanded from 12 original members to encompass 32 countries, making it the world’s largest military alliance. Additionally, Poland will mark the 25th anniversary of its joining NATO on Tuesday. To discuss the current state of affairs within the Alliance, as well as the ongoing war in Ukraine, we were joined by Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski.

In April, NATO will celebrate its 75th anniversary. Over the past seven decades of its existence, it has expanded from 12 original members to encompass 32 countries, making it the world’s largest military alliance. Additionally, Poland will mark the 25th anniversary of its joining NATO on Tuesday. To discuss the current state of affairs within the Alliance, as well as the ongoing war in Ukraine, we were joined by Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski.

Photo: TVP World
Photo: TVP World

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