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Conservative party faces historic defeat in U.K. elections

Conservative party faces historic defeat in U.K. elections

20:35, 02.07.2024
  ay/jd,tb;   PAP
Conservative party faces historic defeat in U.K. elections Britain’s Conservatives are on the brink of a thrashing in a general election on Thursday that is expected to see the opposition Labour party sweep to power.

Britain’s Conservatives are on the brink of a thrashing in a general election on Thursday that is expected to see the opposition Labour party sweep to power.

Photo: Photo by Ian Forsyth/Getty Images
Photo: Photo by Ian Forsyth/Getty Images

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Opinion polls suggest that after 14 years in government, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s Tories are on course for their most crushing electoral setback in recent history.

That would leave Labour leader Keir Starmer with the keys to the premier’s office at 10 Downing Street amid a redefined political landscape.

Out of ten surveys conducted over the past month, five predict that the Conservatives will secure fewer than 100 seats in parliament. This would mark a massive decline from their landslide victory in the 2019 elections, where they clinched a commanding 365 seats.

Even the most optimistic forecast, predicting 155 seats, underscores a sharp erosion in electoral support for the Tories.

Current polling suggests Conservative backing hovers around less than 20%, down from nearly 45% in the last election cycle.

The last time Conservative support dipped below 30% in a general election was in 1832.

The Conservatives face the prospect of losing constituencies in northern and central England, along with the potential loss of the Westminster constituency in London —a symbolic seat that includes Buckingham Palace and major government buildings.

This would mark the first time in history that the British monarch would be represented by a constituency held by the Labour Party.

The results of the election will not only reshape the political landscape but also determine the future trajectory of the Conservative party and its leadership.

źródło: PAP