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Estonia plans to allow foreign volunteers into its Defense League

Estonia plans to allow foreign volunteers into its Defense League

20:53, 03.07.2024
  mz/rl;   TVP World, news.err.ee
Estonia plans to allow foreign volunteers into its Defense League The Estonian Ministry of Defense is in the process of drafting legislation that would permit foreigners to join the Defense League, a voluntary unit of the national armed forces, and undergo military training.

The Estonian Ministry of Defense is in the process of drafting legislation that would permit foreigners to join the Defense League, a voluntary unit of the national armed forces, and undergo military training.

Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images
Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images

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At the moment, foreign nationals are only permitted to enlist in the Estonian Defense Forces (EDF) in certain situations, for example, during mobilization or martial law. The new project intends to give foreigners who have been long-term residents of Estonia more opportunities to participate in the defense effort.

Lauri Kriisa, head of the ministry's legal department, outlined that the amendments are designed to attract foreigners who are already residing, studying, or working in Estonia.

As things currently stand, foreign nationals are allowed to become supporting members of the Defense League but are not allowed to take part in unit operations or military training while the country is at peace. The proposed changes would allow them to sign voluntary service contracts with the Estonian state, pledging to defend the nation without mandatory obligations.

Kriisa cited examples of foreigners currently engaged in time-limited military contracts elsewhere, noting that such agreements would provide flexibility while ensuring predictability for Estonia's defense planning.

The amendments also aim to facilitate the inclusion of foreign individuals possessing specialized skills crucial to national defense, such as engineering, information technology, and physics. This approach could enable the EDF to enlist valuable instructors and other personnel with diverse expertise.

The ministry is proposing expedited border-crossing procedures for eligible individuals, taking into account the lessons learned from recent international conflicts, like those in Ukraine, where foreign volunteers have shown a strong desire to help.
źródło: TVP World, news.err.ee