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European Commission approves Poland's amended recovery plan

European Commission approves Poland's amended recovery plan

14:56, 02.07.2024
  ew/rl;   PAP
European Commission approves Poland's amended recovery plan The European Commission (EC) has approved changes to Poland’s National Recovery Plan (KPO).

The European Commission (EC) has approved changes to Poland’s National Recovery Plan (KPO).

In an announcement published on Tuesday, the EC said that the value of the Polish KPO will not change. (Photo by Dursun Aydemir/Anadolu via Getty Images)
In an announcement published on Tuesday, the EC said that the value of the Polish KPO will not change. (Photo by Dursun Aydemir/Anadolu via Getty Images)

Podziel się:   Więcej
The Polish government sent the amendment to the KPO to Brussels on April 30, in which it suggested that the previously proposed registration fees on combustion engine cars should be replaced with subsidies for electric vehicles.

In an announcement published on Tuesday, the EC said that the value of the Polish KPO will not change and the country will receive a total of €59.8 billion from EU coffers, including €34.5 billion in preferential loans and €25.3 billion in grants.

The number of KPO goals will not change either, and Poland will have to implement 55 reforms and 56 investments.

When deciding to apply for the changes to the KPO, the Polish government argued that they were necessary due to delays and backlog left behind by the former Law and Justice government.

The changes will now have to be accepted by EU member states, which have four weeks to do so.

Katarzyna Pełczyńska-Nałęcz, Poland’s Minister of Funds and Regional Policy, said the EC had agreed to 95% of the requests put forward by the Polish government.

The EC had been blocking EU funds amid a dispute over the rule of law in Poland following actions by the previous government in Warsaw.

After unfreezing the KPO in February, Poland received the first tranche of money to the tune of €6.3 billion in April.
źródło: PAP