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Poland and EU condemn Israeli expansion in West Bank

Poland and EU condemn Israeli settlement expansion in West Bank

16:22, 04.07.2024
  mz/jd;   TVP World, PAP
Poland and EU condemn Israeli settlement expansion in West Bank Poland and the European Union have condemned Israel's decision to legalize five settlement outposts and authorize thousands of new housing units in the occupied West Bank.

Poland and the European Union have condemned Israel's decision to legalize five settlement outposts and authorize thousands of new housing units in the occupied West Bank.

Photo by Amir Levy/Getty Images
Photo by Amir Levy/Getty Images

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In a statement released on Thursday on behalf of EU partners, Poland's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said the Israeli government's initiative was detrimental to prospects for peace.

It added that there was a need for a permanent cessation of settlement activities and reiterated Poland's steadfast support for a two-state solution. In an earlier post on X, Josep Borrell, the EU's High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, also criticized what he termed as policies of dispossession and settlement expansion in the occupied territories. The dispute arose from Israel's recent approval of appropriating 12.7 square kilometers of West Bank land—the largest amount in more than 30 years. Despite having been approved in late June, this decision was only recently made public.
Under Israeli law, designating such lands as state property effectively prohibits Palestinian private ownership and facilitates the establishment of Jewish settlements.

Peace Now, an Israeli NGO, highlighted that Israel justifies these actions by invoking Ottoman-era laws and citing insufficient documentation of Palestinian land ownership. However, under international law, the appropriation of occupied territory is prohibited.

The expansion of settlements in the West Bank is perceived by Palestinians as a critical impediment to achieving peace and realizing an independent Palestinian state, goals that face opposition from the current Israeli government.

Currently, three million Palestinians live in the West Bank, while over 500,000 Israelis live in over 100 settlements throughout the region.

These settlements are universally regarded as illegal under international law, a stance reinforced by the broader international community.
źródło: TVP World, PAP