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Poland, Romania, and Turkey align on NATO security spending

Poland sees Romania and Turkey as key allies, FM Sikorski says

19:54, 26.06.2024
  mz/rl;   TVP World, PAP
Poland sees Romania and Turkey as key allies, FM Sikorski says The foreign ministers of Poland, Romania, and Turkey harmonize on the need to invest in the security of NATO’s eastern flank, Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski has said.

The foreign ministers of Poland, Romania, and Turkey harmonize on the need to invest in the security of NATO’s eastern flank, Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski has said.

Foreign Ministers of Poland, Radosław Sikorski (C), Romania, Luminita Odobescu (R), and Turkey, Hakan Fidan (L) during the welcome before the trilateral meeting in Helenów. Photo: PAP/Paweł Supernak
Foreign Ministers of Poland, Radosław Sikorski (C), Romania, Luminita Odobescu (R), and Turkey, Hakan Fidan (L) during the welcome before the trilateral meeting in Helenów. Photo: PAP/Paweł Supernak

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Romanian and Turkish foreign ministers, Luminița Odobescu and Hakan Fidan, met with Sikorski on Wednesday at the Ministry of National Defense Representative Center near Pruszków, central Poland, as part of a trilateral meeting.

Ahead of the NATO summit in Washington slated for July 9 – 11, the ministers addressed current threats for the alliance’s eastern flank, particularly Russia.

Radosław Sikorski defined the role of Turkey and Romania as Poland’s “key allies.”

He said: “We reaffirmed our dedication to securing and stabilizing critical regions - from the Baltic to the Black Sea.”

“I am pleased that our three countries share the position on the need to invest in the security of NATO's eastern flank.”

Sikorski underlined crucial security concerns for Poland, including the absolute necessity to support Ukraine and enhance the Alliance’s defenses against both military and hybrid threats.

He also said that it is unrealistic to believe that Russia is looking for lasting peace.

“Rebuilding peace in Europe requires recognizing that Russia is a revisionist state that continues its aggressive actions,” Sikorski said.
źródło: TVP World, PAP