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Poland set to revitalize its relationship with Algeria

Poland to revitalize relationship with Algeria with emphasis on energy sector

17:27, 28.06.2024
  jc/mw;   PAP
Poland to revitalize relationship with Algeria with emphasis on energy sector Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski has announced that Poland intends to rejuvenate its relationship with Algeria with particular emphasis given to the vital energy sector.

Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski has announced that Poland intends to rejuvenate its relationship with Algeria with particular emphasis given to the vital energy sector.

 Photo: PAP/Albert Zawada
Photo: PAP/Albert Zawada

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“Algeria has turned out to be a solid partner for all Europe in the energy sector,” stated Minister Radosław Sikorski following a meeting with his Algerian counterpart, Ahmed Attaf, in Warsaw on Friday.

“Algeria is one of the world’s largest natural gas producers and also a country which has been carrying out ambitious renewable energy projects, including green hydrogen,” Sikorski noted, reiterating Poland’s desire to renew bilateral cooperation.

The Polish Foreign Minister also expressed Poland’s interest in expanding collaboration in agricultural trade and new technologies.

Sikorski declared that the two countries have agreed to maintain cooperation at the embassy level and said that “Poland will be sensitive to Algerian postulates during its presidency of the EU next year.”

Additionally, Sikorski affirmed their commitment to regional security and stability, both in Europe and the increasingly challenging Sahel region.
źródło: PAP

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