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Poland’s Tusk meets with Luxembourg’s Frieden

Poland’s Donald Tusk meets with Luxembourg’s Luc Frieden to discuss EU priorities

17:18, 18.06.2024
  mz/jd;   TVP World, PAP
Poland’s Donald Tusk meets with Luxembourg’s Luc Frieden to discuss EU priorities Prime Minister Donald Tusk met with Luxembourg’s Prime Minister, Luc Frieden, on Tuesday to discuss priorities following the European Parliament elections.

Prime Minister Donald Tusk met with Luxembourg’s Prime Minister, Luc Frieden, on Tuesday to discuss priorities following the European Parliament elections.

Photo: PAP/Radek Pietruszka
Photo: PAP/Radek Pietruszka

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During a joint press conference, Tusk addressed the ongoing negotiations for filling key positions within the European Union for the upcoming term.

“We are very close to an agreement on filling key positions in the EU. I hope that next week we will be able to reach an official agreement,” Tusk stated.

He elaborated on the priorities following the European Parliament elections, highlighting the importance of appointing individuals to the most significant roles within the EU.

Tusk reassured that alongside partners in the European Parliament and the European Council, including the liberals (Renew) and social democrats (S&D), they are nearing a consensus.

Tusk revealed that the likely candidates for the top positions are Ursula von der Leyen as President of the European Commission, Antonio Costa as President of the European Council, and Kaja Kallas as the EU’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs. “I hope that next week we will be able to reach an official agreement,” he reiterated.
The Prime Minister expressed his strong belief that the negotiation process will be swift and efficient. He explained that the European People’s Party (EPP) chose to negotiate with Renew and S&D due to their shared pro-European stance.

“Our decision is straightforward - not only because we collectively hold a majority in the European Parliament, but also because, despite our differences, we are united by our pro-European values. This is a crucial factor in finding a compromise,” Tusk emphasized.

He also expressed satisfaction that all European Council members share common values, particularly regarding support for Ukraine amid Russian aggression, joint efforts to combat illegal migration, and addressing hybrid attacks from the regimes of Vladimir Putin and Alexander Lukashenko.

Tusk thanked Frieden for his understanding of the situation faced by Poland and other countries bordering Belarus.
źródło: TVP World, PAP