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EU’s economic challenges a topic for Poland’s Finance Minister on TVP World

Poland’s Finance Minister outlines economic priorities post-EU elections on TVP World

13:17, 10.06.2024
  mz/kk;   TVP World
Poland’s Finance Minister outlines economic priorities post-EU elections on TVP World In a recent interview with TVP World, Poland’s Finance Minister Andrzej Domański discussed the economic challenges and priorities for both the European Union and Poland following the European Parliament elections.

In a recent interview with TVP World, Poland’s Finance Minister Andrzej Domański discussed the economic challenges and priorities for both the European Union and Poland following the European Parliament elections.

Following the Civic Coalition’s victory in European elections, TVP World’s reporter Alex Sumlinsky spoke with the Polish Finance Minister, who outlined the priorities and challenges that Poland and the EU face now.

Domański emphasized the need to enhance the EU’s competitiveness and address global geopolitical strategies. “We need to improve the competitiveness of our business and get rid of naivety in thinking about geopolitics and global strategy,” he said.

The minister confirmed Poland’s commitment to maintaining its high defense budget due to increasing threats from Russia and Belarus. “Security is and always will be our priority. We can’t afford to spend less,” Domański said, urging for greater European solidarity in defense spending.

“We need to accelerate the European economy to finance more of our priorities,” he continued, highlighting the role of private investments in green energy and defense.

Addressing Poland’s budget deficit, which is above the EU’s 3% GDP limit, Domański argued, “If we adjusted our deficit just by defense spending, our deficit would be way below 3%.” He expressed hope that the European Commission would recognize the necessity of continued defense spending.

The minister forecasted 3.1% GDP growth for Poland this year, with an acceleration to 3.7% in 2025. He attributed this growth to strong consumer spending and improving industrial production, despite challenges such as the war in Ukraine and a sluggish eurozone recovery.

Domański said, “Poland is right now the best place to invest in Europe,” highlighting the country’s pro-European stance and benefits from nearshoring processes.

Domański concluded the interview by expressing optimism about Poland’s economic future, stating, “Each challenge is also an opportunity.”
źródło: TVP World