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Duda and Pellegrini discuss NATO and Ukraine during Warsaw meeting

Polish and Slovak presidents discuss NATO, Ukraine, and regional cooperation

13:17, 04.07.2024
  fb/kk,aw;   PAP
Polish and Slovak presidents discuss NATO, Ukraine, and regional cooperation Polish President Andrzej Duda hosted his Slovakian counterpart Peter Pellegrini in Warsaw on Thursday to discuss support for Ukraine, the upcoming NATO summit, and regional cooperation.

Polish President Andrzej Duda hosted his Slovakian counterpart Peter Pellegrini in Warsaw on Thursday to discuss support for Ukraine, the upcoming NATO summit, and regional cooperation.

Polish President Andrzej Duda (R) and Slovak President Peter Pellegrini (L). Photo: PAP/Radek Pietruszka
Polish President Andrzej Duda (R) and Slovak President Peter Pellegrini (L). Photo: PAP/Radek Pietruszka

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Amid all the points for discussion, however, it was Ukraine that dominated the agenda, given Slovakia’s seeming shift in attitude towards its neighbor.

In a joint press conference, Duda sought to present a united front: “In both the one-on-one meeting and the group discussions, we talked extensively about the war in Ukraine and supporting Ukraine. President Pellegrini and I share a unified stance that Ukraine should receive this support,” he said.

He mentioned that the meeting would also present the opportunity to discuss key international policy issues.

“We also discussed other political formats—the more formal ones—cooperation within the Visegrád Group, the Bucharest Nine, and the Three Seas Initiative, as well as within the EU and NATO,” Duda added.

The president also invited his Slovakian counterpart to the Arraiolos Group meeting of presidents, which will be held in Kraków, southern Poland, this autumn.

The Arraiolos Group, currently comprising 16 members, was established in 2003 during a meeting in the Portuguese town of the same name. Annual gatherings focus on the current situation and future prospects of the EU.

Overcoming challenges together

“Poland and Slovakia have faced and overcome various crises and challenges together,” President Pellegrini said during the press briefing.

He revealed that his meeting with Duda covered topics that will be addressed at the upcoming NATO summit in Washington. “We discussed defense spending, with Slovakia already surpassing the 2% GDP threshold,” he said, also adding that his country remained committed to increasing multinational unit presence on its territory.

Addressing his country’s support for Ukraine, Pellegrini said that Slovakia stood firm against Russia’s unprovoked aggression.

“Slovakia does not recognize the annexation of Crimea or any changes to borders made through violence and violations of international agreements,” he said.

Peter Pellegrini assumed the presidency of Slovakia on June 15. He is the only Slovakian politician to have served as both Prime Minister and Speaker of Parliament, and will now serve as head of state for the next five years.

His visit to Poland includes meetings with President Andrzej Duda, Prime Minister Donald Tusk, and the Speakers of the Sejm and Senate, Szymon Hołownia and Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska, respectively.
źródło: PAP