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Polish PM tells farmers fallowing will not be compulsory

Polish PM tells farmers fallowing will not be compulsory

20:32, 15.03.2024
  jc/kk;   PAP
Polish PM tells farmers fallowing will not be compulsory Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk has said that fallowing in the farming sector will no longer be compulsory from this year under new EU rules.

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk has said that fallowing in the farming sector will no longer be compulsory from this year under new EU rules.

Photo: PAP/Grzegorz Momot
Photo: PAP/Grzegorz Momot

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“Breaking news! Specifically for farmers: fallowing will not be obligatory from this year. This is the result of my talks with the head of the (European) Commission. Information on other details today,” Tusk posted on his X account on Friday.

Farmers across Europe have vented their anger at the EU’s Green Deal, a programme aimed to make European farming more ecologically-friendly. In Poland, they have been blocking roads and border crossings and paralysing traffic in cities.

The protests have inspired some reflection on the part of the European Commission (EC), the EU’s executive arm.

EU Commissioner for Agriculture Janusz Wojciechowski announced on Friday in Warsaw that the package of changes prepared by the EC meets the expectations of farmers. Fallowing and limiting pesticides will not be compulsory. Instead of penalties, there will be incentives. Smallholdings of up to 10 ha will also be exempt from ecological controls.
Wojciechowski said that the obligations are to be changed into a voluntary eco-scheme. Farmers who introduce environmentally beneficial changes on their farms are to be rewarded with additional subsidies.

In the commissioner’s view, a less restrictive policy based on incentives will be more effective.

The European Green Deal introduces many guidelines, including in agriculture, which are to enable Europe to achieve climate neutrality by 2050.

The idea is to introduce more ecological and less emission-intensive production by setting aside land, reducing the use of fertilisers and plant protection products by half, and the compulsory allocation of 25% of acreage for organic crops.

Farmers have argued that such a policy would severely hamper their already dwindling income.

Border blockades have been enforced by farmers in Poland since last November starting with Polish hauliers, later joined by farmers, who say cheap Ukrainian agricultural produce has damaged local markets. Truck drivers have since suspended their protest, but farmers’ demonstrations have intensified, with two big protests held in Warsaw recently.
źródło: PAP