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Authors of Report on War Losses awarded state decorations

Polish President praises authors of Report on War Losses for their work

14:03, 28.02.2024
  mz/kk;   PAP
Polish President praises authors of Report on War Losses for their work On Wednesday, at the Presidential Palace, Polish President Andrzej Duda expressed his gratitude to the authors of the Report on War Losses, “for their participation in the realization of a work that undoubtedly constitutes a component of fulfilling Poland’s national interests.” He emphasized that “the issue of reparations has not been resolved and is not closed.”

On Wednesday, at the Presidential Palace, Polish President Andrzej Duda expressed his gratitude to the authors of the Report on War Losses, “for their participation in the realization of a work that undoubtedly constitutes a component of fulfilling Poland’s national interests.” He emphasized that “the issue of reparations has not been resolved and is not closed.”

Photo: PAP/Mateusz Marek
Photo: PAP/Mateusz Marek

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He also awarded them state decorations.

“I thank you for your participation in the realization of this work, which undoubtedly constitutes a component of fulfilling Poland’s national interests… The work that you have prepared together can boldly be called monumental, considering its scope. Its historical value cannot be overestimated, nor can its political value, also for the future. I am immensely grateful for this,” Duda told the decorated individuals.

He also thanked the decision to establish the Jan Karski Institute of War Losses.

“In essence, war loss is not only what was directly destroyed, but also everything that Poland lost after the Second World War, being so greatly set back in development, through the losses incurred as a result of the Second World War and German aggression, through what we did not have but could have had, had it not been for the German invasion of Poland in 1939, had it not been for German bestiality, had it not been for the German genocide on Polish soil and the Polish nation,” Duda said.

The President also referred to Prime Minister Donald Tusk’s recent statement that “in formal, legal, international terms, the issue of reparations was closed many years ago, but the issue of moral, financial, material compensation has never been realized,” saying that in his opinion, the issue has not been resolved at all.
źródło: PAP