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Putin discussed exchanging Navalny hours before his death: report

Putin discussed exchanging Navalny hours before his death: report

09:36, 09.03.2024
  fb/rl;   PAP
Putin discussed exchanging Navalny hours before his death: report Journalists believe Vladimir Putin discussed exchanging Alexei Navalny with Russians arrested in the West hours before the announcement of the opposition activist’s death, the independent Russian news site Agentstvo wrote on Friday, citing conversations with people familiar with the matter.

Journalists believe Vladimir Putin discussed exchanging Alexei Navalny with Russians arrested in the West hours before the announcement of the opposition activist’s death, the independent Russian news site Agentstvo wrote on Friday, citing conversations with people familiar with the matter.

Photo: Kremlin Press Office / Handout/Anadolu via Getty Images
Photo: Kremlin Press Office / Handout/Anadolu via Getty Images

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Two of the service’s interlocutors say Putin discussed the politician’s replacement during a meeting with oligarch Roman Abramovich on the morning of February 16, hours before news of Navalny’s death first emerged. According to one source, Putin agreed to the exchange.

Journalist Christo Grozev also told Agentstvo that he heard that Putin agreed to the exchange.

“I think this was either a cover for the assassination plan, or a strategic move to bring the talks almost to a conclusion, in the hope that if Germany agrees to release Vadim Krasikov, then in the absence of Navalny they will also agree to exchange someone else, a prisoner not so important to Putin,” he added.

“When he learned that the West was ready to hand Krasikov over to Russia, Putin ordered Navalny to be killed in cold blood,” Grozev stressed. The sources claim that in addition to Navalny, Russia was supposed to hand over imprisoned American citizens Paul Whelan and journalist Evan Gershkovich, a correspondent for the Wall Street Journal.

The West offered Russia an exchange of FSB officer Vadim Krasikov, serving a sentence for murder in Berlin, and another Russian convicted in the U.S. Navalny’s death

On February 16, Russian authorities announced the sudden death of Navalny, Putin’s best-known political opponent.

Navalny was said to have died under mysterious circumstances in a gulag behind the Arctic Circle, where he was serving a 19-year prison sentence. The politician’s funeral was held in Moscow on March 1. Thousands of people came to bid farewell to the politician
źródło: PAP