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Russia calls up additional 150,000 for military service

Russia calls up additional 150,000 for military service as war in Ukraine escalates

12:25, 31.03.2024
  aa/rl;   Polskie Radio
Russia calls up additional 150,000 for military service as war in Ukraine escalates From April 1 to July 15, 150,000 people between the ages of 18 and 30 will be called up for military service in the Russian Federation, a latest decree on military drafting says. Earlier, a Russian portal had reported that Moscow intends to send an additional 300,000 soldiers to the Ukrainian battlefront. Meanwhile, the Ukraine’s General staff has announced that there have been 85 armed clashes between Ukrainian and Russian forces over the past 24 hours.

From April 1 to July 15, 150,000 people between the ages of 18 and 30 will be called up for military service in the Russian Federation, a latest decree on military drafting says. Earlier, a Russian portal had reported that Moscow intends to send an additional 300,000 soldiers to the Ukrainian battlefront. Meanwhile, the Ukraine’s General staff has announced that there have been 85 armed clashes between Ukrainian and Russian forces over the past 24 hours.


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According to the decree, exemption from military service applies to soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen whose period of military service under conscription has expired. Regional authorities and conscription commissions have been instructed to ensure that all necessary measures for conscription are met, TASS reported.

Under the new rules, effective from the beginning of the year, the draft will cover people between the ages of 18 and 30. Previously, the upper limit was 27. All men in Russia from the age of 18 are required to perform one year of military service or undergo corresponding training while studying.

Last year, 147,000 people were drafted into the military in Russia in the spring.

Putin wants to send more troops to the front

Earlier, the Russian portal Viorstka reported that Moscow plans to send 300,000 more soldiers to the front. The portal’s journalists determined that the Kremlin intends to supplement the losses with conscripts who are completing their compulsory military service and reservists. If this is not enough, a second wave of mobilization will be announced.

Lawyers and psychologists who participated in the 2022 first wave of mobilization have already resumed work. Armaments plants and civilian companies have been ordered to prepare as many sets of personal military equipment for officers and soldiers as possible.

The commander of Ukraine’s ground forces, General Oleksandr Pavluk, has announced that Russia is creating a new 100,000-strong grouping, which it wants to use for the next offensive.

Report from the front

The General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that over the past 24 hours, the Russians attacked with 17 missiles and 11 drones, and carried out 83 air strikes and 87 attacks from artillery systems. The Ukrainians managed to shoot down nine rockets and as many drones.

The air strikes took place in the Sumy, Kharkiv, Luhansk, Donetsk and Zaporizhia regions. In turn, more than 100 localities in Chernihiv, Sumy, Kharkiv, Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporizhia, Dnipropetrovsk, Kherson and Mykolaiv regions came under artillery fire.

According to the General Staff’s daily report, there have been 85 armed clashes between Ukrainian and Russian forces over the past 24 hours. Most in the Novopavlivka area - 36 and Avdiyivka - 24.
źródło: Polskie Radio

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