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Russia bombs New York killing four

Russian strike on New York kills four and injures three, including 8-year-old child

19:12, 28.06.2024
  mz/mw;   TVP World, PAP
Russian strike on New York kills four and injures three, including 8-year-old child A Russian airstrike on the village of New York in Ukraine’s Donetsk region killed four civilians and injured three others, including an 8-year-old girl, according to the regional prosecutor’s office on Friday.

A Russian airstrike on the village of New York in Ukraine’s Donetsk region killed four civilians and injured three others, including an 8-year-old girl, according to the regional prosecutor’s office on Friday.

Photo: National Police of Ukraine via dn.npu.gov.ua
Photo: National Police of Ukraine via dn.npu.gov.ua

Podziel się:   Więcej
The attack occurred in the early morning, with Russian forces deploying KAB-250 guided aerial bombs.

“One of the bombs struck a five-story residential building, collapsing one of the stairwells. Four civilians, aged 43 to 76, were killed. A 39-year-old woman and her 8-year-old daughter sustained injuries and were transported to the hospital with blast-related injuries, and bruises. The child’s condition is reported as serious,” the prosecutor’s office stated.

Additionally, a 45-year-old man was injured when another bomb hit his home in a single-family housing area, the report added.

New York, UA

New York or Niu-York (Ukrainian: Нью-Йорк) is a rural settlement in Donetsk region, eastern Ukraine. The origin of the town’s name remains a mystery that is the subject of many local legends.

New York first appeared on maps in 1846. The first official mention of the name of New York (Нью-Йорк) dates back to 1859 as one of the results of the census of the Yekaterinoslav Governorate, then part of the Russian Empire. The 1859 census confirmed that the locality then had 13 households, 45 men, 40 women, and a factory. From 1951 to 2021, the settlement was named Novhorodske (Ukrainian: Новгородське).
źródło: TVP World, PAP

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