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‘Albania is a proven ally’, says Duda after meeting with Albanian counterpart

Tirana is a 'proven ally’, says Polish president after meeting Albanian counterpart

14:49, 02.07.2024
  jc/rl;   PAP
Tirana is a 'proven ally’, says Polish president after meeting Albanian counterpart Andrzej Duda, the Polish president, has called Albania a “proven ally” that has supported Ukraine since the beginning of the war.

Andrzej Duda, the Polish president, has called Albania a “proven ally” that has supported Ukraine since the beginning of the war.

Photo: PAP/Radek Pietruszka
Photo: PAP/Radek Pietruszka

Podziel się:   Więcej
Duda was speaking at a joint press conference with Bajram Begaj, his Albanian counterpart, who was on an official visit to Warsaw. Along with the Ukraine war, the two also discussed Albania's accession process to the European Union.

“Albania is a proven ally, its authorities have stood firmly on the side of Ukraine from the beginning of the invasion. This is a responsible approach to NATO membership," Duda said.

The Polish president added that the talks also focused on the forthcoming NATO summit in Washington, the development of bilateral relations and the hospitable reception of Poles going to Albania on vacation.
“In terms of the development of economic cooperation between our countries, the talks focused on agriculture, mining, electro-mechanical industry, new technologies and renewable energy sources,” Duda said.

Begaj said that his visit to Poland was a confirmation of the good relations between the two countries.

“The crux of our cooperation and our dialogue is the compatibility and consolidation of a common will to cooperate both in the face of global threats and also for regional development.”

The Albanian president added that the two countries share common values and common strategic interests. He also commented that his country is interested in increasing Polish investments.

“We need to work together to raise the level of economic cooperation,” he said.

The Albanian president also said that Russia’s war on Ukraine had opened the EU’s eyes to the fact that the best geopolitical measure is EU enlargement.

He said that Albania was looking forward to the start of Poland's presidency of the Council of the European Union in the first half of 2025. He voiced hope that Warsaw would influence the process of European integration across the entire region.

The Albanian president will meet with the speakers of Poland's lower and upper houses of parliament, Szymon Hołownia and Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska, in the afternoon. In the evening, Begaj will attend an official dinner hosted by the Polish presidential couple.
źródło: PAP