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Britons head to polls as general election begins

U.K. general election likely to end Conservative rule as Labour poised for victory

10:03, 04.07.2024
  fb/kk,aw;   Reuters, PAP
U.K. general election likely to end Conservative rule as Labour poised for victory The U.K. general election began on Thursday, signaling the likely end of the Conservative Party’s 14-year grip on power.

The U.K. general election began on Thursday, signaling the likely end of the Conservative Party’s 14-year grip on power.

Photo by Richard Baker / In Pictures via Getty Images
Photo by Richard Baker / In Pictures via Getty Images

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The election will see over 46 million registered voters hitting 40,000 polling stations to choose 650 members of the House of Commons.

A record 4,515 candidates will contest the election, with 459 running as independents and the rest representing 98 political parties. Only a dozen parties have a realistic chance of winning seats.

In the last House of Commons, the Conservative Party held 344 seats, Labour 205, and the Scottish National Party 43, among others. The election uses a first-past-the-post system, with each of the 650 constituencies electing one candidate. Each constituency represents around 73,393 voters.

Polls suggest a decisive Labour victory, with Keir Starmer’s party set for 38–41% of the vote, while the Conservatives are forecast to trail behind with 21–22%. Reform U.K. is projected to win 16–18%, the Liberal Democrats 10–11%, the Greens 6–7%, and the SNP 3%. The Labour Party could secure between 430 to 484 seats, a significant majority in the House of Commons.

Short campaign

During the six-week-long campaign, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has warned that a Labour majority could lead to economic instability, claiming they would hike taxes, hamper recovery, and leave Britain more vulnerable at a time of geopolitical tension.

“They will do lasting damage to our country and our economy, just like they did the last time they were in power,” Sunak said.

Labour’s Starmer instead focused on giving a message of hope. “Change will only happen if you vote Labour,” he said in a statement on Thursday.

“We cannot afford five more years under the Conservatives.”

The unexpected return of Nigel Farage to lead Reform U.K. has added to the Conservative's woes. Furthermore, Labour’s resurgence in Scotland, amid the SNP’s internal struggles, may also bolster Starmer’s position.

Final results

Polling stations will close at 10 p.m. local time, with exit polls immediately providing insights into the likely outcomes.

Full results are expected by Friday morning. Labour leader Keir Starmer is expected to quickly form a government, with a formal audience with King Charles III anticipated on Friday.
źródło: Reuters, PAP